Provincial Grand Master’s Christmas Message and Important Announcement.
Brethren & Companions,
As this will be my final Christmas Message as your Provincial Grand Master and Grand Superintendent, I would like to record my heartfelt thanks to all in the Province who have so generously given of their time and energies over the years, working with me at all levels, to ensure the happiness and smooth running of our Province.
For me, it has been the greatest of honours to lead our Province. I have had the privilege of meeting and working with some amazing and talented people; all that we have achieved during my time in office is a reflection of their commitment, expertise and of course team work.
I would like to express my thanks to all the Lodges and Chapters that have made me so welcome whenever I have visited. The warmth of the welcomes, the curtesy I received and the friendships I have made, will remain a priceless reminder of my time in office.
Looking to the future, the Province is in good heart. In the Royal Arch we have stabilised our membership during 2023 and already have 54 Brethren waiting to join us next year. In the Craft our figures are looking even better with both Members & Membership numbers up and a further 167 already in the pipeline for 2024.
The Province is growing, and its future is bright.
Which leads me on to a very Important Announcement. I am delighted to inform you that it has pleased the MW Grand Master to Appoint W Bro Michael Richard Butler to be my successor as Provincial Grand Master for, and Grand Superintendent in and over, the Masonic Province of Norfolk.
I wholeheartedly endorse this appointment and am sure that you will join me in giving him our full support, friendship and encouragement as he embarks on this new era in the life and history of our Province.
Thank you once again for making my time in office so memorable and enjoyable.
On behalf of Sue and myself, we wish you, your families and friends, a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy, Prosperous and Peaceful New Year.
Kindest regards