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Provincial Office and the Communications Web Support Team

A Request from the Provincial Office and the Communications Web Support Team

9th November 2023

Dear Brother Secretary

On several occasions we have received requests directly to the Comm’s Web Team to add summonses to the Website calendar.  Members of the communications team do handle this task but there is a system that we need to use.
Please can you continue to send your summonses to the team in the provincial office in the first instance The team there will check the summons first and then release to us for publication on the website when they are satisfied that everything is in order…
The office will release the approved Summons to a central account that members of the comms team can access and publish from, this is completed on a first available person basis so that we keep the website updated as quickly as possible.
There was a small hiccup with getting summonses posted in early November this was due to the upgrade to MS365 in the office and the subsequent temporary loss of the email account which was that used by the office to send your summonses to us. This has now been rectified and will not cause any further issues.

We are aware that 10 Lodge Summonses may have been affected at the time and all the summons in the office backlog were released by 05.11.2023.
Finally, do ensure that you forward your summonses at least 14 Days in advance of your meeting to the provincial office in the first instance, this is a provincial requirement and not just a request. All summonses should then be available on the calendar in a timely manner.
If you have any questions on the content of this information, please contact the Provincial Office.

S& F
Your Web Support Team

Social Media Policy

Grand Lodge some years ago adopted a social media policy, which is accessible to members on the UGLE website. I have been asked to ensure all members of the Province of Norfolk are fully aware that in the present world political climate, it is more than ever essential that Freemasons take special care, when posting material on social media, to ensure that their personal religious or political beliefs are not confused by themselves or others with the values of Freemasonry.  It is necessary for them to understand clearly that any material liable to cause offence that is posted on a social media platform by someone identifiable as a Freemason presents a serious risk of undermining Freemasonry’s good reputation and its essentially non-political, non-religious and inclusive character.
Yours Sincerely and Fraternally,

Graeme Kynoch

Provincial Grand Secretary

Provincial Almoner’s November Newsletter

Welcome to the Provincial Almoner’s Newsletter, this will give you an insight to some of the many aspects of the work the Provincial Almoner and the Almoner Team.

The Almoner Team
Here are a few introductions to some established and some newer members to the Almoner Team (AT);
The Assistant to the PGA is W. Bro Melvyn Pye, who has many roles within the team, helping me with the day-to-day work, including looking after all the Provinces Lodge Almoners and the Provinces 840 Widows.
The AT has six Visiting Volunteers (VV’s) W. Bro Peter de Gol, W. Bro Mike Allen, W. Bro Malcolm Birchall, W. Bro Steve Frankland, W. Bro Steve Codman and our newest VV, is W. Bro John Driscoll. The VV’s work throughout the province assisting with applications on behalf of our Brethren. With the utmost discretion, they provide knowledge and support during often difficult times. The applications when completed, are directed to the MCF for processing.
Caroline Wales is from the MCF Advice Support Team who deal with the more complex benefit, medical applications, and enquiries.
Another new member to the team is W. Bro Jim Gill, who will be giving presentations at Lodges on the role of the MCF. Caroline Wales has also offered to give presentations at Lodges. If you would like more information, please contact me and I will be happy to discuss it further with you.
We are available to provide support, guidance, and advice to all Lodge Almoners and Brethren within the Province of Norfolk. Please note, sometimes we must seek assistance from the Mason Charitable Fund.

MCF Eligibility and Masonic Connection
The MCF will need a lot of information before a grant can be awarded, which will include the applicant’s financial eligibility. We must recognise the MCF is not an insurance policy, or an entitlement and many things need to be considered to see if an applicant is eligible for support.

To obtain assistance from the MCF you must be a Freemason in good standing for at least one year, or a Freemason who has resigned in good standing. The general rule of support is ‘x 2’, e.g. 10 years as a Freemason = 20 years of support and the support is the same for those with a Masonic connection.
The list of Masonic connections are:

  1. Wife/partner. 
  2. Widow.
  3. Divorced or separated.
  4. Child/children of a Freemason who are under 25, living at home in full time education.
  5. Grandchild /children of a Freemason who are under 25, living at home in full time education.
    6.  Other relative financially supported by a U.G.L.E member.

MCF Support Grants
The MCF offer support in five key areas.

  • Daily Living Costs
  • Health, Care and Wellbeing
  • Children, Young People, and Education
  • Advice and Support
  • RMBI Care Co

I hope this information was useful, please do not hesitate to contact me if needed. I am happy to answer enquiries personally from Brethren looking for more information on applying for grants and other support from the Masonic Charitable Foundation.
If you prefer to contact the MCF personally, they can be contacted on Freephone 0800 035 60 90, or by emailing

From April 2022 to September 2023 there has been over £376,024 paid in grants to 121 Norfolk Freemasons and their families.In August and September 2023, 27 grants with benefits of over £77,000 were awarded. These grants included over £48,000 for daily living costs, over £24,000 for medical treatment and support.

Yours sincerely and fraternally.

Neil Thomas
PGA Norfolk
Tel: 07717-203663 or e-mail:

A Request from the Provincial Office and the Communications Web Support Team

9th November 2023

Dear Brother Secretary

On several occasions we have received requests directly to the Comm’s Web Team to add summonses to the Website calendar.  Members of the communications team do handle this task but there is a system that we need to use.
Please can you continue to send your summonses to the team in the provincial office in the first instance The team there will check the summons first and then release to us for publication on the website when they are satisfied that everything is in order…
The office will release the approved Summons to a central account that members of the comms team can access and publish from, this is completed on a first available person basis so that we keep the website updated as quickly as possible.
There was a small hiccup with getting summonses posted in early November this was due to the upgrade to MS365 in the office and the subsequent temporary loss of the email account which was that used by the office to send your summonses to us. This has now been rectified and will not cause any further issues.

We are aware that 10 Lodge Summonses may have been affected at the time and all the summons in the office backlog were released by 05.11.2023.
Finally, do ensure that you forward your summonses well in advance of your meeting to the provincial office in the first instance, this is a provincial requirement and not just a request. All summonses should then be available on the calendar in a timely manner.
If you have any questions on the content of this information, please contact the Provincial Office.

S& F
Your Web Support Team

MCF 2027 Norfolk Festival Appeal

The 2027 Norfolk Festival Appeal, on behalf of the MCF, commenced with a very successful launch dinner on Friday 23rd September 2022 at Epic Studios in Norwich. Those who attended will know that, unfortunately, our PGM RW Bro Stephen Allen was taken ill during the day and did not attend as planned; The PGM has now made a full recovery and we trust all who were affected, are likewise recovered from the virus.
Also given out on the night was a Festival Booklet to supplement the information provided by our guest speakers from the MCF and the Province, on page 10 the donate online URL code unfortunately directs the user to Hants and Isle of Wight festival appeal, the MCF have been advised of this error which is being rectified. We should have the replacement booklet from the MCF within the next few days, so we will recirculate the corrected edition as soon as possible
Regarding donations to the 2027 Norfolk Festival Appeal, since the launch, several Brethren have asked how they may receive a Festival Jewel. The simplest way is to make a pledge by completing a Regular Payment Order to pay by direct debit a minimum of at least £5 per month for five years, or to make a single donation of at least £300 for those who prefer. Paper mandates are available via the Lodge Charity Steward but the easiest and quickest way to donate is online via, once on the site select ‘donate’ at the foot of the page and follow the instructions. Once the Province is advised that a completed mandate has been received, a jewel will be issued by the Province to the Lodge Charity Steward to present.
Finally, Brethren, we thank you for your support in advance as we start what will be a great challenge – but one it is vital we succeed in, this support is vital to the MCF, our charity, in continuing to provide assistance to Norfolk Freemasons, their families, local and national charities and other good causes.
Yours sincerely and fraternally,

VW Mike Gooderson, DPGM
Chairman, 2027 Norfolk Festival Appeal Committee