Led by Professor Colin Cooper, researchers at the University of East Anglia have found a link between bacteria and aggressive forms of prostate cancer, identifying five types of bacteria which were common in urine and tissue samples from men with aggressive prostate cancer. It is hoped that these findings could help pave the way for treatments that could target these particular bacteria, slowing or preventing the development of aggressive disease.
Deaths from prostate cancer outnumber deaths from breast cancer. It is the most common cancer in men today, taking the lives of more than 11,000 each year.
In 2018, Professor Cooper gave a talk about his research at Norfolk Provincial Grand Lodge. A year later, he came back to receive a major financial boost of £190,213 from lodges and the Masonic Charitable Foundation, which has provided funding for his Tiger Test research.
We are delighted the UEA is making these breakthroughs and our support, together with the other UEA funding partners, has all been part of massing the quality research team and laboratory necessary to secure these important findings. They have caught worldwide attention and we hope for many more important discoveries from the Cooper lab in the future.
Read more about the latest breakthrough here – link to UEA news page