Ladies 2 O’Clock Club

The 2 o’clock Club was established in March 2012. This Club was started by Ali Moore and Christine London.
It has evolved over the years and is an exciting and interesting Club. Obviously without the help and support of valued members we would not run as effectively and efficiently as we currently do.
We meet at the Old Rectory Hotel in Crostwick, Norwich, NR22 7BG. Our meetings are mostly held on the first Wednesday of each month, at 1.30pm for the 2pm meetings with a speaker, or at 12 noon for a 12.30pm lunch.
Membership Requirements for the 2 o’clock Club
- Members must have a family member past or present connected to Freemasonry.
- It is essential that members book into meetings at least a week in advance stating whether they would like cake or fruit, this will ensure the hotel is able to provide sufficient refreshments.
Annual Subscriptions
- The Annual Subscription currently runs from January to December, with a pro-rata fee for those who join during the year. Subscriptions are reviewed annually in December.
- The subscriptions cover the cost of refreshments at regular meetings and contributes in a small way towards our speakers’ fees.
- Fees can be paid by BACS, Cheque, or cash.
- Lunches, afternoon teas and various other events are at a separate cost which will be advised to our members.
A member can book in a guest who has a Masonic family connection, to give them the opportunity to decide if they would like to join the club. There will be a charge to cover the cost of refreshments or meal depending on which meeting they attend.
Family and Friends are welcome at our advertised events, especially our annual St Georges Day Lunch and our Garden Party.
Pleased be assured that you will receive a warm welcome by our friendly members.
If you wish to join or would like further information, please contact either:-
Christine London on 0777405813 or email
Ali Moore on 07771 622105 or email

January 3 Rd – Refreshments Catchup And Book Sale (Bring And Buy) Proceeds To ClubJanuary 10th – Refreshments, Catchup And Second-Hand Book Sale (Bring And Buy) All Proceeds To Our Club Funds
February 7th– Dr Tullett ‘Norfolk Flora – On A Stick’ A Talk About The Plants That Grow Naturally In A Range Of Habitats Across Norfolk, With Anecdotes About Norfolk Folk Notable For Growing A Range Of Plants.
March 6th- 12th Anniversary Meal At The Old Rectory
April 3rd- Christine Webber ‘Positive Ageing’.
Christine Will Have Her Books For Sale At £6 And £7 Each Book, Cash Only.
April 28th – St Georges Day Family And Friends Lunch, At The Old Rectory, Entertainment Provided By ‘Tuxedo Junction’
May 1st- Afternoon Tea At The Old Rectory
June 5th – A ‘Cheesy Chat’ By Cheryl Cade With Samples To Taste
July – 7th Our Annual Family And Friends Garden Party
August 8th – (Thursday) A Visit To The Peter Beales Rose Gardens For Tea And A Tour!
September 4th – Lunch At The Old Rectory
October 2nd – ‘A Turkish Shirley Valentine’ By Jenny Gibbs And Mustafa Bas.
There Will Also Be A Sale Of Pashminas, Silk Shawls – Hand Beaded -Embellished, Fine Hand-Woven Cotton Table Linen, And Turkish Towels For Sale, With A Percentage Of Takings Given For Our Club Funds.
November 6th – ‘Norwich In The 1950s And ‘60s’ By Pete Goodrum
December 4th – Christmas Lunch At The Old Rectory.
Instead Of Exchanging Christmas Cards, We Will Be Donating The Money We Would Have Spent On Cards, To A Charity. (To Be Decided)
January 8th – Tba